Wasabi® Wallet® | - Bitcoin Privacy and Security Wallet

Wasabi Wallet lets you control your private keys, offering you true financial self sovereignty. Easy To Use Wasabi is designed to be a user friendly Bitcoin wallet,

Wasabi Wallet is a privacy-focused Bitcoin wallet that prioritizes user anonymity and fungibility. Introduced in 2018, Wasabi Wallet aims to enhance the privacy features of Bitcoin transactions by implementing CoinJoin, a technique that combines multiple transactions into one, making it more challenging to trace individual coins. As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, Wasabi Wallet has gained popularity within the cryptocurrency community for its commitment to privacy and security.

Key Features of Wasabi Wallet:

  1. CoinJoin Implementation: One of the standout features of Wasabi Wallet is its use of CoinJoin, a privacy technique that combines multiple transactions from different users into a single transaction. This process breaks the link between input and output addresses, enhancing the privacy of Bitcoin transactions.

  2. Chaumian CoinJoin: Wasabi Wallet employs a specific type of CoinJoin called Chaumian CoinJoin, named after the cryptographer David Chaum. This type of CoinJoin provides privacy benefits by mixing transactions without the need for a trusted third party.

  3. Decentralized Nature: Wasabi Wallet operates in a decentralized manner, meaning that it doesn't rely on a centralized server to mix transactions. This contributes to the overall security and privacy of the wallet.

  4. Integrated Tor Support: Wasabi Wallet integrates with the Tor network, allowing users to route their transactions through Tor to enhance their privacy further. This prevents third parties from easily linking a user's IP address to their Bitcoin transactions.

  5. No Address Reuse: Wasabi Wallet encourages users to avoid address reuse, a practice that enhances privacy by making it more difficult for third parties to trace a user's transaction history.

  6. Open Source and Audited: Wasabi Wallet is an open-source project, allowing users to review the code and contribute to its development. Additionally, the wallet has undergone security audits to ensure its robustness.

  7. Hierarchical Deterministic (HD) Wallet: Wasabi Wallet uses an HD wallet structure, meaning it can generate an unlimited number of new addresses from a single seed. This enhances security and privacy by reducing the risk associated with address reuse.

  8. User-Friendly Interface: Despite its focus on privacy, Wasabi Wallet provides a user-friendly interface. This is crucial for encouraging broader adoption, ensuring that both experienced users and newcomers can easily navigate the wallet.

How Wasabi Wallet Works:

  1. CoinJoin Process: Users interested in enhancing the privacy of their Bitcoin transactions can participate in a CoinJoin round. During this process, multiple participants combine their transactions into a single transaction with identical output amounts, making it difficult to determine the source of funds.

  2. Equal Output Amounts: To maintain privacy, Wasabi Wallet ensures that the output amounts in a CoinJoin transaction are equal, preventing the linking of specific inputs to specific outputs.

  3. Utxo Management: Users can manage their Unspent Transaction Outputs (UTXOs) within the wallet, selecting specific UTXOs for participation in a CoinJoin round. This allows users to maintain control over their funds while enhancing privacy.

  4. Frequent Chaumian CoinJoin Rounds: Wasabi Wallet conducts frequent CoinJoin rounds, providing users with opportunities to mix their transactions regularly and enhance their privacy.

Security and Considerations:

  1. Backup and Recovery: Wasabi Wallet, like any other wallet, encourages users to create and securely store backups of their wallet's seed phrase. This is crucial for recovering funds in case of device loss or failure.

  2. Wallet Compatibility: Wasabi Wallet is compatible with various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux, providing flexibility for users.

  3. Educational Resources: Wasabi Wallet provides educational resources and documentation to help users understand and maximize the privacy features of the wallet.


Wasabi Wallet addresses the need for enhanced privacy in Bitcoin transactions, offering a user-friendly interface while incorporating advanced privacy techniques like CoinJoin. As with any financial tool, users should stay informed about best practices for privacy and security in the cryptocurrency space. It's advisable to refer to the official Wasabi Wallet documentation and community forums for the latest information and updates on the wallet's features and developments.

Last updated